Monday, January 24

The Right Agent for You...

I think the emphasis here should be "the right agent for YOU" since that will be different for everyone.

Many will recommend that you go with the agent that's been in the industry for a long time but you also have to consider the other side of that.  Does experience equate to knowledge?  Maybe yes and maybe no.   Have they kept up on all the current education?  Do they know how to market in this ever changing internet based world?  Do they still run their business like they did 15 years ago, because let's face it, things are different that good enough for you?

Many will recommend that you choose a big agent with a big team but will you actually ever see that agent again after you sign the listing agreement?  Do you feel confident with all the assistants you will be working with?  Is it possible that the agent has so much on the go that you and your property may fall through the proverbial cracks?

I'm certainly not suggesting that lots of experience or a big agent with a big team is the wrong agent for you, I'm merely suggesting that maybe these are not the only or most important factors to consider.

When I say the "right agent for you", I mean exactly that.  We all have unique personalities and different needs, so it's only logical that this isn't going to be a one size fits all.  You need to find the agent that you can feel comfortable enough to ask all types of questions.  Someone that is on the same page as you and can relate and speak your "language".  When I say "your language" I mean when you ask a question do you get such a complicated, over your head answer that you are left more confused than before you asked the question or does the agent answer your questions in words YOU understand.

Are you and the agent on the same page?  Do they hear what you are saying?  Do they understand your needs and requirements?  Do you require your agent to keep you constantly updated even when there is nothing new to report or do you prefer an agent that has a quieter and less invasive role?  Neither is wrong, they are just different.

Do you feel your agent is knowledgeable?  Does your agent  have skills that are useful to you?  Can he/she think outside the box?  Does he/she have innovative ideas and are they problem solvers?  Do you feel as though you're in good hands?  Do you trust your agent and are you willing to listen and, at the very least, consider their advice?  Do you have confidence in your agent?

Is your agent enthusiastic about your property?  Maybe the right fit for you is the eager new agent that is just busting to get out of the gate and is so motivated you just know they'll go the extra distance.  The new agent may have very useful skills that were cultivated outside of the real estate business but valuable none the less.  If that new agent is from a strong supportive office you may be getting the benefits of both worlds...experience and eagerness all in one.

The bottom line is you want to select a knowledgeable, enthusiastic agent that is the right personality fit for you.  Buying or selling a home can be very stressful, confusing, frustrating and both emotionally and physically draining.  Hiring the agent that is able to work in harmony with you is the first step in changing that into the exciting and pleasurable experience it should be.

I'm here for YOU.


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